
Archive for March, 2010|Monthly archive page

Park break

In Kimberly, Washington DC on March 31, 2010 at 2:58 pm

McPherson Square park

Signs of spring are all around, including people packing McPherson Square park today. Kids on razor scooters were zooming everywhere, terrorizing pigeons and – by extension – the homeless men that feed the birds everyday. Every bench was occupied with people taking their business and lunches outside. It was hard to wrap it up and go back inside to work.

Balancing act

In Anna, San Francisco on March 31, 2010 at 12:40 am

Haas Business School

Haas Business School at UC Berkeley is one of the most sought after business schools in the world (yes, world. Not just the country). It’s an appropriate setting for me to ponder what I’m doing with my future. You see, I’m currently on sabbatical from my graduate program at Georgetown University, another prestigious school. And I got an email this morning, informing me that the year-long leave of absence I took to move out to SF was coming to an end. You can imagine my shock.

I cannot believe I’ve lived in SF for almost an academic year, but I guess I have… I’m not quite ready to leave. Don’t ask me why because I’m not sure I can explain it myself. It’s not as if I’m blissfully happy here. Yes, I am happy and I enjoy living in the Bay, but did I get that feeling of coming home that I had when I arrived in DC? No. Are my best friends here in SF? No. And yet…I’m not ready to leave just yet.

I talked to my Assistant Dean about extending my sabbatical another year (which is a major exception they’re making for me, I might add. It’s tough enough to get approved for one leave of absence. Having two years off is down right unheard of) and she seems amenable to helping me out. But then what? I move back to DC and finish out my program? Transfer to another school (maybe somewhere in Europe)? Drop out entirely?? I honestly have no clue. I feel as if I’m in the midst of a quarter-life crisis, which (I can assure you) feels as absurd as it sounds. I don’t like not having my life planned out, but I think I’m going to have to buckle down and wait this one out. I’ve been praying for guidance and to be shown what I’m truly meant to do and I think I’m headed down that path. I just wish I had a map to know where it is I’m going.

Top Secret

In Kimberly, Washington DC on March 30, 2010 at 11:50 pm

iPhone: My lips are sealed

Yes, it is; life is so freaking good. I have great news, or really, it’s not my news, but I’m as thrilled and satisfied as if it were my news. It’s good, and it’s happening to an excellent person. I’ll keep my lips sealed until it’s free to share though, at which point there’s going to be some happy shouting going on.

Easter preparations

In Anna, San Francisco on March 30, 2010 at 12:01 am

Easter candy

I checked out Kimberly’s photos of Artini and there was some serious eye candy at that event. Not having any eye candy on hand, I went with the literal kind. I picked up these goodies on my stops to Ikea and Target after work today. I’m hosting 10 people for Easter brunch on Sunday and have a pretty impressive shopping list I need to tackle this week. While it’s a big undertaking, I’m really excited about it! The only regret I have is buying the candy nearly a week in advance. I’m afraid these suckers aren’t going to survive through Sunday…


In Kimberly, Washington DC on March 29, 2010 at 10:22 pm


The 12 invited mixologists crafting the delicious drinks at Artini were all talented, but some put on a better show than others, and a couple were bigger draws because… well let’s just say they earned style points. The mandatory drink stop for all the ladies present was crafted by the two bartenders from Art & Soul. Their station was crowded all night and it had as much to do with the men manning it as the cocktails they poured.

Life is good

In Anna, San Francisco on March 29, 2010 at 12:01 am

Trefethen Vineyards

Yes, fun is exhausting. But it’s what makes life good.

Artini 2010

In Kimberly, Washington DC on March 28, 2010 at 1:18 pm

Matt Hemerlein

The musicians weren’t the only sharply dressed people at last night’s Artini event at The Corcoran. I don’t go to a lot of cocktail dress required type of events, but it was really fun to dress up, drink outstanding, fancy cocktails, eat mini hot dogs and burgers and talk to some interesting people.

Sweet looks

In Kimberly, Washington DC on March 28, 2010 at 12:52 pm

Sweet gaze

Cute couples abound. They’re almost as omnipresent as my level of slacking this weekend. Well, not slacking so much as not having been home for more than 8 hours (including sleep) since Friday morning. Fun is exhausting.

Retreat to Napa

In Anna, San Francisco on March 28, 2010 at 12:01 am

Oakville Grocery

Lindsay, Vivian and I escaped the city for the day and retreated to Napa (such a brilliant idea, Linds!). Sunshine, 70+ degrees and no shortage of wine…a great day, from start to finish. We made the mandatory mid-day stop at Oakville Grocery for lunch and I got a major bone thrown to me by the cashier.

Apparently, they issue sandwich stamp cards and after 7 stamps, you get a free sandwich (Lindsay clued me into this, of course). Sadly, I had already been to the grocery numerous times before getting my first stamp card today. When I commented on this to the cashier, she added extra stamps to my card without even hesitating. I was so surprised. Her response after I thanked her? “We’re trusting up here.” Yet another reason to love Napa.

Performance art

In Kimberly, Washington DC on March 27, 2010 at 12:11 pm

iPhone: Kelly Towles paints

Ack! I totally forgot to post yesterday. I had an amazingly fun night, full of unexpected awesomeness pretty much from beginning to end and when I got home I crashed hard. Mea culpa. Part of the fun was going to a show at Strathmore Mansion where the opening act was the amazing local artist Kelly Towles painting on stage. Afterward he auctioned off the pieces to the audience. I scored a wicked good deal because the audience didn’t really believe he was auctioning it off. So, the middle painting is mine, for only $33 – what a treat!